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Recommended Reading for you..


1)  Tactics - A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions - Gregory Koukl

Perhaps the best book you can buy on how to start conversations about Jesus and maneuvering comfortably and graciously through challenging discussions.  Highly recommended.


2) Let Us Reason Together: Christianity vs Atheism-Which has the Evidence of Science, Logic & History? - Conrad McIntire Jr

An excellent primer on defending the faith using the skeptic's claimed "tools' of science, logic, and history.


3)  Who is this Man? - The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus - John Ortberg

If you can only give a person one book showing Jesus' impact on the world this is it!


4)  Socrates Meet Jesus - History's Greatest Questioner Confronts the Claims of Christ

  - Peter Kreeft

Keeft a Christian philosopher and professor imagines Socrates waking up in a modern liberal university and attending classes. And in a delightful dialogue Socrates (using his famous method of asking questions) exposes the weaknesses in liberal theology.


5)  How Shall We Live?  - Chuck Colson & Nancy Pearcey

True Christianity goes far beyond John 3:16 -it's nothing less than a framework for understanding reality.  It's a Worldview.  This book is one of the best on the topic.


6)  The Case for Jesus - the Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ. - Brant Pitre

One of the best books showing why the Jesus of the Gospels is the historical Jesus


7)  Lord or Legend -Wrestling with the Jesus Dilemma - Gregory A. Boyd and Paul Rhodes Eddy

A second book like the above exposes the flaws of those who try to invent a Jesus separated from the gospels.  And shows compelling evidence that the gospels are composed using eyewitness accounts.


8)  Jesus Among Secular Gods - The Countercultural Claims of Christ - Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale

This book shows why Humanism, Relativism, Scientism, Pluralism, etc., are among the false gods of our time.


9)  Stealing from God - Why atheists need God to make their case - Frank Turek

The title explains it all


10)  I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist - Norman Geisler & Frank Turek

A deeper and more thorough version of my book


11)  Reason in the Balance - The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law & Education

Phillip Johnson

A Berkeley law professor writes brilliant counter to the idea that God is unconstitutional and unscientific and counters the idea that naturalism which the author calls "the established religious philosophy of America" should have a free rule in our schools and universities.


12)  Who Made God? - Searching for the Theory of Everything - Edgar Andrews

One of the very best books to refute the "new atheism' led by Dawkins, etc.


13)  What's So Great about Christianity - Dinesh D'Souza

An engaging, winsome defense that challenges people's assumptions about Christianity and affirms there is something amazing about Christianity!


14) The Assault on America - How to Defend our Nation Before it's too Late - Alex MacFarland 

What the current culture war is doing to America and Why It Matters


15)  Confronting Christianity -12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion - Rebecca McLaughlin

Is Christianity Homophobic? Does it Denigrate women? Did the Bible Condone Slavery? Does it cause violence? These and 8 more questions are answered.  A must-have book if you want to be prepared to answer tough questions.


16)  The Atheist Who Didn't Exist - Or: the Dreadful Consequences of Bad Arguments

Andy Bannister

It is a great book that exposes why many of the arguments used to prop up atheism unravel quickly under closer examination












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